

What are the emotional benefits of playing soccer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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making new friends.

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Q: What are the emotional benefits of playing soccer?
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helllooo my name is ahahahahahah

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What are the benefits of playing the keyboard?

If you enjoy it, there could be emotional or psychological benefits. Another benefit is that it could turn into a profession.

How is soccer an emotional sport?

soccer is emotional when people mess up or get hurt or just simply fail.

What are the benefits of children playing outdoors?

Playing outdoors can benefit your physical, mental, and emotional health. Your immune systems become stronger, and it even increases your serotonin level.

What are the benefits of playing professional soccer?

You don't have to work for a living and if you are English you can save money by not having to buy a trophy cabinet.

How can i get better at playing soccer?

you can get better at playing soccer by practicing.

What are the benefits children receive when playing soccer?

Exercise, teamwork, exercise, hand ey coordination, & exercise. Any sport is good for children.

What can you get from playing soccer?

There are many health benefits such as increased cardiovascular health, stengthening of muscles, improved coordination, and better problem solving capabilities.

What is a soccer ball for?

For playing soccer

How do you get soccer cancer?

by playing soccer!

Where is the art in soccer?

playing soccer