

Is mark Henry stronger than the undertaker?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes Mark Henry is stronger then Undertaker because Henry won a meddle for the worlds strongest man the reason Henry loses is because WWE is all scripted its not a real fight.

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Q: Is mark Henry stronger than the undertaker?
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Who is stronger than undertaker?

Mark Henry is stronger than the Undertaker because he is the worlds strongest man..

Is mark Henry stronger than undertaker?

No. Mark Henry is not stronger then the undertaker. I have seen them in a match and Mark Henry has lost the match they had. I like Mark Henry way better than the Undertaker because the Undertaker got Shawn Micheals out of WWE and he was my favorite wrestler in the universe I hope he comes back.

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"Of course the undertaker is stronger than john cena the undertaker has beat john cena is a one on one match,but john cena has never beating the Undertaker so Undertaker is stronger." Although, counting how many times they work out and how big they are, (in muscle) 'Cena has to be much stronger than the undertaker.

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(2010) the undertaker is stronger than kane.

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god and undertaker

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Of course undertaker is stronger. He is 4 times WWE champion and beat more stronger people than Chris jericho