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In volleyball, there is a coin toss to decide which team gets to serve first. Whichever team wins the coin toss gets to serve first in the first set. The other team automatically gets to serve first in the next set. The first team then gets to serve first in the third set should there be one.

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Q: Is it the first server team that will serve first on the next set?
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How many serves does the server receive if they fault the first serve in badminton?

Well the server gets only one serve, if he or she misses then it is the opposing team's serve.

Where can the server serve from?

In volleyball when does the team rotate

Who is the first server in volleyball?

if your team is first to serve, the player at rotation position #1 serves first. If your team receives first, the player at rotation position #2 serves first, after she rotates to position #1.

What is the definition of the term side out in volleyball?

A side-out is when your team is in serve receive and the other team has the serve. If the server serves short or out or if you win the point, that's a side-out. The basic idea is to get the ball back to your team to serve.

What is the definition of the volleyball term side out?

A side-out is when your team is in serve receive and the other team has the serve. If the server serves short or out or if you win the point, that's a side-out. The basic idea is to get the ball back to your team to serve.

How do you solve problem when first serve hit the net?

it is a fault and they go on to second serve, on the same side. if a ball hits the top of the net and goes in, it is a let and if that was the first serve it is still first serve, same side, no score change. if the server double faults the other team gets the point, and if on the second serve someone serves a let, it is still second serve, not a fault

What is the score when a person wins a point after serving?

In tennis, the person who is serving always has their score said first. So if they are just starting their set and the server wins the score is 15-0. If the server wins again it moves to 30-0. On the next point it goes to 40-0 and this would be a set point. If the server wins a fourth point, he would win the set. In volleyball, the servers score is again said first. This time you just add one point to the score and if the server's team does not get a point, the serve will switch to the other team.

What is it called when a team loses possession of the ball in volleyball?

A loss of serve means that the team that was supposed to serve is out of rotation or has a penalty exacted against them. It also can mean that the server did not make the serve over the net, and possession of the ball is given to the other team.

What does serve out mean in volleyball?

When the referee calls "serve out" it means that the serve landed outside of the volleyball court and is therefore out of play. When this happens, the team opposite the server's gets a point and gets to serve ball.

What does a server do in volleyball?

a volleyball server is the player who will be serving the ball...A server in vollyball is someone who over hands serve or underhand they get to serve as many times as they want as long as the team they are on is winning. - hoped it helped :)

How many tosses do you get for a serve in volleyball?

They continue serving until their team loses the point, at which stage the serve goes to the opposing team, and when they lose their point it goes back to the first team (and this when the player rotation happens so a new player will be serving).

What is rotation in high school volleyball?

When your team scores a point and the previous serve was the other teams ball, you rotate clockwise and the person who was in front of the server before, will be the server.