a volleyball server is the player who will be serving the ball...
A server in vollyball is someone who over hands serve or underhand they get to serve as many times as they want as long as the team they are on is winning. - hoped it helped :)
serving is when u start the game by hitting the ball. to hit the ball u make a fist then covering it with the other hand leaving ur thumbs side by side on top. aka a bump. or u can just hit it. it has to go over the net and give the other team a chance to make the first hit. or maybe serving them the first hit ;) toodles, monkduke!
Anywhere behind the back line of the court.
at the back of the court
In volleyball when does the team rotate
When the server gets 2 aces in a row.
The server plays in right back
every single position on a volleyball court serves. there is no specific serving position
The server receives an "ace" and the point is awarded to the serving team.
a server is a back row player
Anywhere behind the back line of the court.
If the server takes longer then 8 seconds to serve the ball.
No, The server can have as many serves as he or she may like. As long as the opposition doesn't side-out.
yes, they are one of the six players at a time