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Yes, it is possible to have less muscle mass than a body builder but still to lift far more. Body builders, such as Ronnie Coleman and the renowned Arnold Schwarzenegger, strive to sculpt their bodies for purely cosmetic reasons. They are strong, certainly, but strength is not their endeavor.

To support my claim that . . .

"Yes, it is possible to have less muscle mass than a body builder but still to lift far more."

. . . I will provide you with links to two YouTube videos. The first shows Ronnie Coleman bench pressing 495 x 5. Look at how huge he is. The second video shows another man, who is still muscular, but much smaller than Coleman, benching 500 x 10.

Coleman 495 x 5 bench:

Allen Baria 500 x 10 bench:

Lastly, I will leave you with a relatively skinny wrestler, bicep curling 50 pound dumbbells (per arm) with good form. Look at how strong he is for his size!

I hope this helps :)

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The size of muscles does not depict a persons strength. The density of the muscle does.

If someone has large, but not dense muscles, and someone else has smaller, but very dense muscles; then yes.

Metabolism is also included in this, as someone with a higher metabolism can last longer, doing hard work, than someone who does not.

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Q: Is it possible to be really strong with little muscles like workout but keep a little muscle like medium size but still be stronger than a person with bigger muscles?
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