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If you are not sore it means you are not going to get any bigger. You are just lifting to maintain where you are now.

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Q: If muscles are not sore after a workout will they still grow stronger and bigger does this mean they will not grow since they are not being worked enough?
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Muscles are exercised, if exercised enough, the muscles will tear, and be repaired, which is how the body becomes stronger.

Why would your body shake a lot when working out even when you are not pushing yourself?

You may not be hydrated enough before your workout. Muscles will often feel funny or shaky if they are deprived of water during a workout.

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German Shepherds are very active so you will need to let them walk everyday as a form of their exercise. This breed needs enough exercise and healthy food to be bigger and stronger.

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workout your tricepts and chest those are the muscles you use to extend you arm forward and practice your form and technique above all

Is the best way to gain weight to take your protein pre and post-workout and take Creatine right after a workout?

Protein is best after a workout. Muscles rip during exercise and the rebuilding process is what makes them stronger. That's when you need the protein. Also, protein before a workout can cause digestive issues during that workout. ______________________________________________________________________ Answer:Creatine actually causes your muscle cells to absorb more water which makes them look bigger which gives us an illusion of extra size and mass. Effectively speaking, once you cut down on your creatine intake, the muscles would start releasing the excess water and you may end up feeling your muscles shrink in size. But, one good thing about creatine is that, it helps you gain that extra strength needed to do heavy workouts. Though it only packs water into our muscles, a properly administered dosage/cycle of creatine can help you in gaining weight and strength.

How do you make your mucles bigger?

To make your muscles bigger, you need to engage in regular strength training exercises, such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, or resistance training. It's important to progressively increase the intensity of your workouts and ensure you are consuming enough protein to support muscle growth. Additionally, make sure to get enough rest and recovery time for your muscles to repair and grow.

What happens to your biceps muscles when you work out?

Well if you work them out enough they will get toner and bigger. And if you wanted a "in depth" answer, when you excercise your muscles, you rip tiny little tears in them. afterwards, the body begins to heal the tear by connecting little fibers from the muscle to fill in the gap. this overtime makes the muscle bigger.

Why does a girl want to see a guys muscles?

cause the stronger the guy is she wants him to be strong enough to be on he football team and the girls dating a guy on the football team will be more popular

Can you plataue after your first workout?

I think what you are referring to the term plateau as it is connected with physical fitness and more often in bodybuilding.A plateau is when you have worked out long enough that you seem to have reached a limit as far as the amount of exercise that you can do or the muscle growth that you have achieved.The way to overcome a plateau is to "Shock" the muscle or muscles into new growth or development. This is done primarily by changing the workout routine.When you plateau the muscles have adapted to your routine and are no longer stressed into growing. So the short answer to your question is that it is not possible to plateau after one workout. You must work out using the same routine so long that your muscles know it and have adapted to it.

Why do muscles hurt after vigorous exercise?

Physical exercise keeps muscles healthy by stimulating them and increasing blood flow to the fibers. To maintain muscle size, they just need to be stimulated regularly. To increase muscle mass, something else has to happen. The muscle fibers need to be stimulated to the point where they start to crack and tear. The gaps then fill in with muscle fiber making them bigger. The pain you feel is inflammation of newly torn fibers. Inflammation is usually harmless but if it is in the joints in can be destructive. It's not the inflammation that causes the muscles to grow so anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the pain and damage to the joints.

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tree boas are strong enough to crush the bones of varmint size animals in order to swallow them. Water boas are much bigger and stronger.

How do you keep your muscluar system healthy?

You don't necessarily have to do body building or heavy lifting. But regular resistance training of somekind (either with weights or calistenics) will keep your muscles toned and fit. Your diet is also important. Focus on a balanced diet, making sure you get enough carbs before your workout, as well as a sufficient mix of carbs and protein after your workout to fuel muscle recovery and replenish energy stores in your muscles.