

Is it legal to hit the net post in tennis?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It depends. When serving you can't hit the net. When playing if you hit the net and it goes over, it will be hard to get. If it doesn't go over, well, that's your fault.

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Q: Is it legal to hit the net post in tennis?
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How could you play tennis?

To play tennis, you need a tennis court, a tennis racket for each player, and a tennis ball. If you are playing singles, one player stands on each side of the net, for doubles, two players are on each side of the net. Players hit the ball with the racket back and forth over the net.

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How high is tennis court net in the centre?

The net should be 3' (36") or 91.5cm at the center strap, and 3'6" (42") or 106.5cm at the post. You can stand your racquet on the ground for reference.

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There is no scoring difference between hitting a ball into the net and hitting it out of bounds (long or wide).

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The opposition get a point for a double fault

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So you can hit the birdie. If you dont have the racket then you cant play!! One of the materials that u will need

Are table tennis and tennis the same?

similar, but not the same, no. for example, when serving in table tennis, the ball must hit YOUR side of the table, bounce over the net and then hit your opponents side. in regular tennis, it just needs to hit your opponent's side. the rules that are the same include: the ball must not bounce more than once on your side of the net, or you lose that point you may not hit the ball more than once when it is on you side of the net (meaning, if you hit it into the air straight up, you may not then hit it again to try to get it over the net) serving is done behind the back line, and must be done from one quadrant of the court (or table) and needs to bounce on the quadrant kitty-corner from the serving quadrant.

What is passing shot in tennis?

When your opponent is at the net volleying the ball and you hit a winner past them where they cannot reach.