

How far is a volleyball net?

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Q: How far is a volleyball net?
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How far off the side is a volleyball net?


In volleyball how far do you have to be away from the net?

it doesnt matter as long as you dont touch the net :)

How far do you stand from the net while serving a volleyball?

2 feet

What are the faults of the player at the net in volleyball?

no part of your body can touch the volleyball net

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Kneepads,shorts,volleyball,volleyball net

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How height is the net for volleyball men?

A men's Volleyball net is 2.43 meters long.A women's Volleyball net is 2.24 meters long.And for bonus the length of a Volleyball court is 18 meters and the width of a Volleyball court is 9 meters. :)

How tall is a volleyball net from the floor?

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How far away does the server stand from the net in volleyball?

(Indoor Volleyball) 10 normal paces away from the net for varsity, if you're serving overhand, if you are serving underhand, you must be at lease 15+ paces away from the net when serving. Changes may apply depending on your gym size.

What is the lenght of the volleyball net?

The rough length of the volleyball net is around 9 metres (29.5 feet).

What is volleyball net height?

7 ft and 4 1/4 in. is the height of the women's volleyball net.

What is the volleyball net for?

When playing volleyball, you need to hit over the net. Therefore, there are "penalties" if the ball rolls under the net or hits the net rather than over it.