

How far away from the pit is a girls long jump board?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How far away from the pit is a girls long jump board?
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Related questions

How long is the long jump?

The long jump boards are the white lines that line the run way of the pit. These lines are certain lengths away from the edge of the pit. For outdoor the distances from the board to the pit are 4' 8' & 12' in indoor the distances away from the board are 5' & 10'

Do you measure from the front of the board or the back of the board for your approach for the long jump?

back of the board for your approach and front for the jump

Can you jump from behind the board in long jump?

yes but you will not get as far

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How can a long jumper scratch on a jump?

step over the white board you jump of from.

How is long jump measured?

The long jump is measured from the front of the jump board to the closes point in the sand that the jumper touches the sand in a straight line.

Do you measure a long jump from the take off board?

yes! (:

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the year was 2008 and how long was 5.10m

What is the distance of the long jump board from the pit?

5 metres exact

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far away

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