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The Crosse: The crosse (Lacrosse stick) is made of wood, laminated wood or synthetic material, with a shaped net pocket at the end. The crosse must be an overall length of 40 - 42 inches for attackmen and midfielders, or 52 - 72 inches for defensemen. The head of the crosse must be 6.5 - 10 inches wide, except a goalie's crosse which may be 10 - 12 inches wide. The pocket of a crosse shall be deemed illegal if the top surface of a lacrosse ball, when placed in the head of the crosse, is below the bottom edge of the side wall. All of that makes me think that there is no considered "legal" weight for the crosse. Since there are different lengths then it would stand to reason that there are no rules regarding weight. Also, there are different materials of which it's made, and everyone wants the lightest weight strongest material they can get.

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