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Q: Does a basketball with more air bounce higher than one with less air?
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Will a basketball or tennis ball bounce higher with more air?

i know that a basketball will because if it has nothing in it, it won't bounce. right? but when you put more helium in, it will bounce high. but if you put to much in it, it might explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will more inside a basketball bounce higher?


Which basketball bounces higher girl or boys?

I think both bounce the same one is just bigger then the other, actually the boys basketball bounce higher I did a basketball experiment on it the boys bounce a foot higher, It is because itr weighs more.

Will more air outside a basketball make a basketball bounce higher?

If you mean OUTSIDE the basketball, then no. If you mean INSIDE the basketball, then yes.

Will more air in a basketball make it bounce higher?

Yes. More air in the basketball will make it bounce higher. Yes. Replacing the air with even a lighter gasses, such as helium, results in a higher bounce. It follows that, removing air or using heavier gasses to inflate a ball will result in a lower bounce. YES. Adding more air to the ball lessens the particles in the ball to bounce around. Putting more air in a basket ball will definitely make it bounce higher. If you put light gasses in it like helium then it will bounce even higher. If you take air out of it, it will bounce lower.After a while of putting air in a basketball it starts to bounce lower.

Will adding more air inside a basketball make it bounce higher?


Will more air inside a basketball make it bounce higher?


Why would a basketball at room temperature bounce higher than a frozen basketball?

The basketball at room temperature has more energy, because cold is just the absence of energy. The ball that is frozen would not bounce as high because it is wanting to stay in that shape, and has less time to react.

Why does a basketball bounce with more air?

The more air the higher it will bounce, the less air the lower it will bounce assuming the exact same amount of force is applied in each case. You do not want a ball that bounces too easily or one that is hard to make bounce. The reason it bounces higher with more air is because the outer cover is drawn tighter when more air is applied internally. The tighter the cover the higher it will bounce because it has more spring to it.

What effect does the nap felt-yellow fuzz have on how high a tennis ball will bounce?

The more fuzz, the less bounce. The less fuzzy, the higher the bounce.

What make a basketball bounce higher helium or air?

Helium will make a basketball bounce higher because when it is put into the basketball the air particles move faster and faster causing the basketball to bounce higher.

Does the size of a ball effect how high it bounces?

Not to any appreciable extent. Bounce is caused by the elasticity of the material comprising the ball and the surface on which it is bounced.For example, on concrete a basketball will bounce higher than a baseball, but a golf ball--How high it bounces depends on how much force you exert on it. If you only let it drop, it will not bounce higher that the point you dropped it from and every time it bounces, it will go less and less high. anyway, the bigger the ball, the more force you will have to exert on it to make it bounce higher than the point it was dropped, or "bounced" from.