

Do kids focus more on sports than school?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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most kids do , but only if they play them . most kids who are good at school care about both , children who play football and are considered jocks don't care at all about school , what so ever .

i hope i helped !

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13y ago
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Q: Do kids focus more on sports than school?
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so the kids get exposed to sports at a young age

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Of couse, the two type of kids have diffrences. The kids that play sports are more active, and they have a better bidness. The kids that don't play sports are lazy, and there bidness is weak. That will cause them problems in their bodies when they grow up. 6 Hours/week sports are more than enough for the kids. That will assure you in the future that the kid will grow up healthy.

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Does being in sports help test scores in school?

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250,000 Kids a year are injured in sports or sport related

What are some stats against school uniforms?

its been proven that when kids where more comfortable cloths while testing, the focus on the test not how they're uncomfortable. therefore, they do better.