Sports should be allowed in school because many reasearchers studied and di tests to kids that did sports and to kids who didn't the kids that played sports got a much better grade. Also, it helps with physical atributes but also mental
more because some people dont like the sports at school, so there should be more options!
Every school cuz soccer is the bestest sport in da world
An interscholastic sport is a sport competition between two or more academic institutions or schools.
=sport is for awsome people and awsome people only=
Yes they should
Many schools don't. I wish mine did. Softball is a wonderful sport that teaches teamwork,cooperation, hand eye coordination, athletic skills, and much more. It can bring a lot of prestige to a school. More schools should have them.
Football this sport brings more money to its schools
Just about every school in the US
Yes its a sport but not a schools have it.
There are thousands of schools across the country that have cheerleading, but very few consider it a sport. 17 of 50 states consider cheerleading a sport
A.I think it is because the average kid these days doesn't do enough sport and schools are trying to encourage children to do more active activities to stay healthy and fit by providing them with opportunities to find a sport that they enjoy.