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its possible, take a pregnancy test to be sure

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Q: Could I be pregnant if I am having to use the bathroom a lot and have sore nipples?
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Could you be pregnant if you are having to use the bathroom more often than before and have sore nipples?

No you do not need to be pregnant.

What cause nipples to swell?

It depends, you could be pregnant.

Do my nipples get white if im pregnant?

maybe it might be a symbol that you have milk in your nipples but sometimes you have white you might not have some white on your nipples but some people don't it could be possible to have white if your pregnant

If you have sore nipples that are red can you be pregnant?

You could be, in the sense that it doesn't definitively mean you're not pregnant.

Having no appetite on depo and white liquid comes out of nipples?

uuuummm...yeah the only reason i know of of why your nipples would be discharging white liquid is the you would be pregnant but I could be wrong. You should probly check with your doctor.

Why do you feel bloated and your nipples hurt?

you could be pregnant. take a test

I dont know if im pregnant but you feel like your nipples r leaking is that a sign you could be pregnant?

way too early for your nipples to be feeling like they are leaking. normally its just sore nipples/darker nipples or aerola. and heavy/sore boobs hun.

Could you be pregnant if you had a miscarriage one month ago and now you feel pregnant again and your boobs and nipples are really sore and you have some symptoms?

yes you could be pregnant.

Why would clear liquid be leaking out of your dogs nipples?

It might mean your doggy is pregnant, if her nipples are swollen, having behaivoral issues, lost of appetitte in the morning or eating more it could be she's pregnant. But if most of the things I just named don't happen it could be a false pregnancy.

My nipples have got darker but its just a round circul round your nipple that is dark what could be wrong or could it be nothing?

Could be pregnant

Your nipples are brighter could that mean you are pregnant?

Possibly - but it's not a symptom I've ever heard of

Could you be pregnant not had a period due to stopping the depo but you have sore and hard nipples please help?

you might be