You could be, in the sense that it doesn't definitively mean you're not pregnant.
When I got pregnant I had sore nipples but no flu like symptoms. Now I have the flu/cold and my nipples are sore (im not pregnant).
Yes they do.
way too early for your nipples to be feeling like they are leaking. normally its just sore nipples/darker nipples or aerola. and heavy/sore boobs hun.
yes you should take a test
You are possibly pregnant
yes but it doesn't mean your pregnant
The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.
No you do not need to be pregnant.
It can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy, PMS or nothing. They can be sore because they just are. I experience sore nipples whenever I am about to start my period and when I start PMSing. I have heard it is a sign you are pregnant as well.
It does not mean you are pregnent your fine
yes, but usually you breasts get hard as the mammary glands swell joymaker rn