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You could be, in the sense that it doesn't definitively mean you're not pregnant.

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Q: If you have sore nipples that are red can you be pregnant?
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Flu like symptoms and sore nipples does that mean im pregnant?

When I got pregnant I had sore nipples but no flu like symptoms. Now I have the flu/cold and my nipples are sore (im not pregnant).

Does your nipples get sore while you are pregnant?

Yes they do.

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I dont know if im pregnant but you feel like your nipples r leaking is that a sign you could be pregnant?

way too early for your nipples to be feeling like they are leaking. normally its just sore nipples/darker nipples or aerola. and heavy/sore boobs hun.

Could you be pregnant your breasts are sore and your nipples are hard and dark red and sore you are eating a lot you get nausea through the day and you are getting headaches and lightheaded?

yes you should take a test

I have sore nipples that have been hard for 2days and headaches what does this mean?

You are possibly pregnant

Can boys experience sore nipples?

yes but it doesn't mean your pregnant

Is it normal to be 2 weeks pregnant and not have sore nipples?

The entire breast, including the nipples, can be sore at 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Could you be pregnant if you are having to use the bathroom more often than before and have sore nipples?

No you do not need to be pregnant.

If you have sore nipples should you be concerned or is this normal?

It can sometimes be a sign of pregnancy, PMS or nothing. They can be sore because they just are. I experience sore nipples whenever I am about to start my period and when I start PMSing. I have heard it is a sign you are pregnant as well.

Your nipples are really sore and im cramping im not supposed to start your period for 2 weeks and ive never had your nipples sore before Could you be pregnant?

It does not mean you are pregnent your fine

Can you have sore nipples without sore breast when you are pregnant?

yes, but usually you breasts get hard as the mammary glands swell joymaker rn