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Could be pregnant

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Q: My nipples have got darker but its just a round circul round your nipple that is dark what could be wrong or could it be nothing?
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Why do nipples are of color differ?

No, most people have nipples that are darker(if only slightly) than the skin. This doesn't mean anything is wrong with you though. My friend's nipples are like that. Don't ask how I now :)

Do nipples get darker as you get older?

yes they do get darker. example when you breast feed the child will suck your niple and will cut off cirulation and there it will turn darker. You could also tight up a rubber band in the nipple and leave it their for a few minutes. Thnx

Another name for nipples?

Nipples are found on both males and females and are small protrusions on the chest that are darker in color than the surrounding area. Mamilla and teat are alternate words for the word nipple when referring to females.

What is a nipple flapper?

A nipple flapper is a device that flaps your nipples around for you!

The areola of your right breast is darker and the nipple is larger iam not pregant?

Any changes in the appearance of your nipples should be checked by your doctor. If this is normal for you, meaning when you went thru puberty 1 nipple ended up darker or larger, is completely normal. Most of us have 1 breast that is larger than the other.

What is the nipple of the breast?

A nipple is a nipple, simple as that. The sometimes darker // pinker skin around the nipple is called the aureole.

What are some side effects of pierced nipples?

you can either lose or gain sensitivity; your nipples may or may not be hard all the time; they may get a little darker, just the nipple part. and some people are really different, so it can go anyway at all, really.

What color is Miley Cyrus nipple?

Her nipples are BLUE

Why men nipples sensitive?

The mans nipple is a bit sensitive , but the lady will have a far more sensitive nipple.

Does a nipple have a bone?

Nipples do not have bones, but they do have muscles and are erectile tissues.

What do what are these strawberries doing on my nipples mean and can you show me a picture of the nipples?

These are Montgomery glands, also referred to as areolar glands. They are located in the areola area of the nipple. They vary in number and their function is to lubricate the nipple and the areola. The areola is the dark area around the nipple.

Why are your cat's nipples sore from nursing her kittens?

Because kittens bite on the nipple and their rough tounges lick it therefore making the nipple sore. what can i do to comfort her if my female cats nipples are sore can i put vasaline on it