

Can swimming get you abs

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13y ago

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absolutley, swimming is one of the best total body workouts there is.

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Q: Can swimming get you abs
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If you swim do you have abs?

Most swimmers do have abs because flipturns and other parts of swimming require a strong core, but it all depends how much time you spend working to get those abs.

Why is swimming good?

Swimming is good for toning leg muscles and also your butt and abs too it. It's also more fun then crunches and running.

Does swimming help you lose weight or does it just make you have abs?

Swimming, or any other exercise, builds muscle and burns calories. Whether you lose weight will depend on if you're eating, in total, more calories than you burn each day. See also:Losing weight

Does the ab doer excersise work?

Yes it works great. it targets your abs and makes them strong. But you need to lose belly fat to actually see those abs, and the best way to lose fat is cardio excercises such as running and swimming.

Is the breast stroke good for abs workout?

I don't think swimming really works your abs. it's more for the arms and legs. Try doing some crunches and sit ups before and after doing pool laps, to get your ab workout in.

What muscles involve in swimming competitive strokes?

Quadriceps (thighs), Triceps (back of your arm) and abs (stomach muscles) are the three most important muscles involved in swimming, however a well rounded, athletic body in all areas is the best.

Do cut or very toned abs increase drag in the water while swimming?

■Yes but the effect of having that strong muscle core more than makes up for it.

What is the difference between running a mile and swimming a mile if you are counting calories burned?

If you are swimming at a pretty decent pace you should burn more calories than running because you are using more body muscles, like your arms, legs, back muscles, and abs.

What are the five components of swimming?

backstroke, breastroke, butterfly, freestyle keep ur head down, body strait, abs tight, hands and arms tight together, and pull

Does James Maslow have abs?

Yes James Maslow has abs, in fact you have abs and I have abs, we all have abs.

Why is swimming the almost-perfect exercise?

It recruits the maximum muscle fibers from all over the body at once to perform. It is a true, full body exercise. Moreover, water is a continuous resistance, unlike shuffling from foot to foot against gravity. It is very low-impact, and won't hammer your joints or body.

What swimming works in your body?

This depends on the stroke you are doing. often stokes work your arms shoulders and legs, but certain stokes like fly back kick can also work your abs.