Quadriceps (thighs), Triceps (back of your arm) and abs (stomach muscles) are the three most important muscles involved in swimming, however a well rounded, athletic body in all areas is the best.
feestlye,backstorke,breaststoke and butterfly
Butterfly,backstroke,breastroke and freestyle (frontcrawl)
There are four competitive strokes: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and freestyle. There are also many other styles of swimming such as sidestroke that are not competitive.
Freestyle (the Front Crawl), Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly.
yes!!!!!!!!!! there are four strokes in competitive swimming: butterfly, backstroke, breast stroke, and freestyle
Butterfly is one of the four major strokes used in competitive swimming. The others are freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. Butterfly is swum as often as backstroke and breaststroke in a normal swimming meet. Butterfly is generally considered the most grueling and difficult of the strokes, so its popularity outside of competitive swimming is limited.
The four strokes are butterfly, backstroke, breastroke, and freestyle. (freestyle can be about anything but what you will see in the Olympics and in most competitive events is the Australian crawl)
No, The Only Strokes Are The Four Main Strokes (Freestyle,Backstroke,Breastroke,and Butterfly). However There Are Drills That Competitive Swimmers Use, But They Are NotRegular Strokes. [;Yes !Dog Paddle, Old English backstroke, sidestroke.
Swimming can be competitive or recreational (also: synchronized swimming) Competitive swimming is divided into four different strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breastroke, and butterfly. These can be combined in different lengths to create many swimming events.
A swim team is a group of competitive swimmers that swim ___ laps depending on the age of the swimmer. They have different heats if there are a lot of swimmers in the same event. 4 strokes are swam, Freestyle, Backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. There are also relays with 4 swimmers, and a IM (individual medley) which is all 4 strokes in one race. If you want to see a very competitive level of kid swimming then search USA swimming.
Swimming, like any form of exercise, can help to lose overall body fat. Breast strokes may also help to tone your arms muscles in general, but swimming does not specifically target armpit fat.
The swimming strokes are:Frontcrawl,Butterfly ,Backstroke and breastroke