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Q: Are the metS in the playoffS for 2010?
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Yes! The Mets rock

Why did the Mets make the playoffs in 2004 instead of the Phillies who had the better record?

The Mets did not make the playoffs in the 2004 season. The Atlanta Braves made the playoffs from the National League East Division and the Houston Astros made the playoffs as the wild card.

Are the mets going to make the playoffs in 2007?

The Mets were expected to make the playoffs in 2007, but had a historic collapse, blowing a 7 game lead in the last 17 games.

How many playoff games did the Mets win in 2008?

None. That would have required reaching the playoffs. In both 2007 and 2008 the Mets collapsed over their final 17 games to miss the playoffs.

Did the 2009 New York Mets make the playoffs?

No, in 2009 the New York Mets finished fourth in the N.L. East.

Which team won the 2010 playoffs for basketball?

The team that won the 2010 playoffs were the Phoenix Suns.

Is the patriots going to playoffs in 2010?

The Patriots won 14 of 16 games and made the playoffs in 2010.

How many games will the mets win in 2009?

Hopefully enough to get them in the playoffs and eventually world series. :) Hopefully enough to get them in the playoffs and eventually world series. :)

What was the mets record in 2009?

Seriously the Mets blew the 2009 season and they end up with the record 70-92 they didn't even make the playoffs

When did the playoffs get invented?


Will the mets make the playoffs in2013?

No Because there in a hole there playing well but I don't think so

Will the mets make the playoffs?

Never again. Yankees in 2009 baby. We're getting that ring.