School is a place that students are to attend til a certain age, kids have upto 2000 calories a day and sometimes even more, at times sugur and fatty foods become an addiction and children tend to have more than what's needed. If schools support exercise and raise awareness about what 'no exercise' can do to you then children have less chances of becoming obese. Besides what's written about becoming 'obese', some people have a low metabolism but that doesn't mean anything, extensive amounts of unhealthy food doesn't just lead to over-weighted children but also unhealthy teeth, weak bones, extremely dry or extremely oily skin, and many other things that you don't want happening to you at a young age. So if kids know that in order to attend school they 'have to' play sports to stay fit and exercise as well then it's a have to.
it should be a school sport because the kids that like baseball can play for the school
They Should play 24-7
It is a lifetime sport and fun game to play.
Guys :)
Grade school. Driving a car. Winning a sport. Losing a sport. Fishing. Camping. Roller Coasters.
Work hard and be diligent, your work should pay off.
yes you can! high schools offer many many different sport opportunities for you that ANYBODY should take, regardless of any previous sport experiences. try any summer sport programs that the school may offer.
it is not a sport
it depends on what sport. hockey is more expensive on a school team. Baseball and football are about the same for a school team and on a rec. league team.