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Q: What sport should a 180 pound 14 year old girl do?
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Is an 83 pound 12 year old girl good or bad?

i think you should put more weight on

How many calories daily should a 113 pound 11 year old girl eat?

about 1500 - more if you do exercise

How many calories should a 12 year old 140 pound girl?

It depends on her height, but about 1,200 to 1,400 calories a day probably should be good.

What sport should an eleven year old do?

If it is a boy in a warm weather area play waterpolo or baseball. If it is a girl play volleyball or soccer.

What sport should an 11 year do if she will do that sport in high school?


Who is the pound for pound strongest person in the world?

a 13 year old girl can lift 89 pounds!!

What should you get your 12 year old girl for her b-day?

clothes, games,crafts,puppy,cd to there favorite singer, and if they play a sport something to do with it

What sport should a ten year old pick?

If it is a girl I would recommend volleyball or swimming. If it is a boy I would recommend baseball, soccer, or lacrosse.

Is 5'4 average for an 11 year old girl?

yes i am 5'4 and i wiegh 101 pound i am a little under weight but that is ok you should weigh 115

What size bra should a 63 Pound eleven year old girl wear?

It just depends on how big the girls breasts are, I am a girl and I started to wear one at the age of 8 and now I am 11.

What are some clothing stores that an 11 year old girl should shop at?

supre cotton on jay-jays Vally girl just jeans rebel sport (for sporting clothes) hope you like my answers

How does 330 pound 16-year-old-girl lose weight?

Diet and Exersize