i get what you mean though most boys do like footie ............x
8 out of 10 boys play a sport , 25 out of 30 boys play a sport
I am a girl and i play volleyball, golf, basketball, and gymnastics.
I guess girls can play but boys normaly play.
Van gogh did not play sport because most of the time if he wasnt painting naked men he was to busy masturbating or bum jacking other boys!
Soccer (Football) is the most popular sport. It's played by over 250 million people.
Roman boys could play sport at any age. The Romans were not keen on sport competitions like the Greeks. To them it was more of a leisure activity.
males are most likely to play a sport
youth soccer more girls play than boys and it is in the top 10 of the sport with the most concussion's. lastly boys and girls are very physical, not just the boys i play soccer too and it is my favorite thing to do at any time!!