A2 + B2 = C2 would be 902 + 902 = 16,200. Square of 16,200 would be 127.28'
17" width of home plate...
in little league the home plate is exactly 44.4832 ft on a baseball regulation mound without a mound it would be about 44.2 ft give or take an error by the people that constructed the field
in little league you have to wait for the ball to cross home plate but every level after little league you can steal at any time you want to no matter who has the ball or where the pitcher is or what he is doing.
60 feet 6 inches like the MLB
The minor league uses the same distances as the MLB. So the pitchers mound is exactly 60ft 6" away from homeplate
Behind home plate is great. The closer down the better, but even if you're a level up in the stands, it's a great place to watch the game.
the pitcher must keep her main foot on the rubber at all times, in minor league the mound is 35ft from home plate, in major league the mound is 40ft from homeplate
for little leuge it is 46ft. In major leuge it is 60ft
prolly about 3 seconds
width is left to right.