1 hour
Yes that is a good speed.
some kid got five forty six
It is the number set that everyone shoots for. As an example, in a P.E. class, the benchmark for 8th grade boys in the mile is 8 minutes. Then 8 minutes or less is the time all the 8th grade boys shoot for.
It would depend on how long you've been running and what grade you're in. If you're in 6th grade, I'd say a good time for boys would be 6:30-8:00 for 1 mile (multiply that by 1.5 for a 1.5-mile race). If you're in 7th grade, maybe 6:00-7:30 for 1 mile. For 8th graders, 5:15-6:30. Again, if your races are 1.5 miles, multiply that mile time by 1.5. If you run 2-mile races (which I doubt, for middle school), multiply it by 2. Although, keep in mind that you probably won't be able to maintain your mile pace for 1.5 or 2 miles, so it will be about 15-30 seconds per mile slower.
yep mine was 5 44 in grade 6
Running has become a part of many people's regular exercise routine, including children. A good mile time for a 1st grade student should be at about ten minutes. A 12 year old boy can complete a 1 mile run in eight minutes.
My son is in the 7th grade and just had his first meet. He ran the mile in 5:31 and finished 2nd.
11% is the steepest grade on the 11-mile route. This grade occurs on the last 1/2 mile of rail at Bald Knob.
An 8 minute mile is very good for a 7 year old. My son ran around an 8 minute mile in 5th grade when he was 11 years old and he was second in the school. So an 8 minute mile is good for a seven year old.
yes. I'm an skinny 8th grade girl who's pretty healthy and i got 7.30. u got nothin to be worried about
If you have a 2 percent grade over a distance of a mile, the vertical change is 105.6 feet. A half a mile is 52.8 feet.
You will travel 5,280ft, which is 1 mile.