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Q: What are the averages for a 13 year old on press ups?
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Related questions

What do press ups help?

Press ups help biceps, lats, stomach, and triceps I personally think that press ups work more then push ups and I am a strengthening coach for a high school

What would be the best workout for a 15 year old?

sit-ups, jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, etc.....

How many push-ups can an average 22-year-old do?

Average is 17-29 push ups.

How many sit ups should a fifteen year old be able to do in two minutes?

a fifteen year old should be able to do atleast 110 sit ups in two minutes.

Which is better explosive press ups or normal press ups?

This really depends on the individual performing the exercise. Explosive press ups are great as a high impact workout, really impacting the muscles. Normal press ups are great as well. Alternate the two for a maximum workout.

How many pull ups can a 13 year old girl do?

a thirteen year old should do about 25-40

How can a 20-year-old man lose excess fat on his buttocks?

If the man goes on a well timed and well organised diet, he would be able get down to a normal weight, also as the question is "How can a 20-year old man lose weight on his buttocks?" then he may have to do a daily exercise like sit ups and press ups, and hopefully this will take the weight down on his buttocks!

Can girls do lots of press ups with one arm then switch to the other arm and do lots of press ups?


What is the average amount of push ups an 11 year old girl can do in a row?

well i did 50 and i am 11 years old so i say a 11 year old girl should be able to do at least 20 push ups

How many push ups can an average 15-year old do?


How many press ups are you allowed to do in a day?

There is no set amount of press ups that a person is allowed to do in a day. A person can do as many press ups as their body will allow them to do. You do not want to over do it because you could strain your muscles.

Which company came first UPS or Fed-Ex?

UPS came first. UPS is a 100 year old company while Fedex was founded in 1971