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Breydan and Tanner are good at sports!! :):)

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Q: What are some kids that are good at sports?
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Where would I go for some good outdoor activities for kids?

Some of the funnest outdoor activities for kids are sports. Some sports they can play outdoors are soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse, baseball, and street hockey.

What are some ideas of projects for kids?

Art. Kids love to paint and the satisfaction they get out of being creative is priceless. Team sports. Kids need to figure out how to properly interact with their peers, and they get a good chance at doing so from playing team sports.

Are sports bra better for kids or padded?

Some girls might need padded bras, but if they are just getting breast a sports bra should be good.

Do kids like sports?

some do some don't lol

Why sports are good for kids?

Sports get kids off the couch and out into to the fresh air where they can exercise and keep healthy. Sports also teach children to work as a team, and to get along with others.

How are extracurricular activities good for kids?

I would say some good reasons are that it helps keep them out of trouble, gives some kids social time with others, for younger kids it could teach sharing and in the case of sports it teaches good sportsmanship, among many other things I'm sure.

What are good sports for kids age10?

swimming, riding, football

What are the release dates for Good Sports - 1991 The Cincinnati Kids 1-9?

Good Sports - 1991 The Cincinnati Kids 1-9 was released on: USA: 27 May 1991

Why shoul kids play sports?

sports are fun and they keep you healthy. well, some sports are fun anyway.

Why should sports be in school?

its so kids wont get fat. its the only exercise some kids get. also people love sports like me

Why don't some kids like sports?

because some kids don't like getting active and sweaty and sore.

How does sports affect kids in the classroom?

they make them tired or they be good to play the game