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There are a number of version world wide but all follow a similar theme

Tag team is 12 players. During a game, each team must have no more than seven players on the field of play at any one time. Of the seven players on the field, THREE must be female. There are some excellent Tag Rugby sites available and some where the countries rules are explained in full

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There is a maximum of seven (7) players per team on the field at any one time. In mixed games there must be a minimum of three (3) players of the opposite sex (subject to local rules) on the pitch at all times. Rolling subs are allowed at any time during the game but in mixed games the appropriate number of each sex must be maintained. Squads are normally made up of twelve (12) players (subject

to local rules).

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14y ago

There is a maximum of seven (7) players

per team on the field at any one time from a squad of twelve (12). In mixed

or social games there must be a minimum of three (3) players of the

opposite sex (subject to local rules) on the pitch at all times.

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14y ago

In rugby union, there are 15 players in each team, plus up to 7 substitutes.

In rugby league, there are 13 players per team plus 4 subs.

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In the union code there are 15 players plus 5 subs

In league there are 13 players plus subs

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14y ago

In Union there are 15 players on each side plus up to 7 subs on the bench

In League there are 13 players on each side as they have dropped the wingforward (flanker) role.

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14y ago

15 starters plus the subs. - Union code

13 Plus subs in League

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Q: How many players are there in a tag rugby team?
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You must give the ball to the opposing team.

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Five Union, League, , Sevens, Mini and touch rugby. There is also a different form of rugby being played in the southern Hemisphere than the Northern. ELV's or Experimental Law Variations were used in this seasons Super 14 (2008)

Tag rugby rules?

Tag rugby is a sport that is often played in schools. The rules are the same as normal rugby but you tag people rather than tackle.

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What country was flag rugby invented in?

To clarify. The USA call it Flag rugby whilst the Europeans and Southern Hemesphere call it TAG rug Rugby which was the original name Tag Rugby began in Australia as a training aid for Rugby League teams. Former St George Dragons halfback Perry Haddock founded the sport while coaching the 1992 St George under 20 side. Since its beginnings in 1993. The game TAG rugby now is used for under 14 players in clubs to build interest and develop skills. The full contact version then is introduced

What thing can't you do in tag rugby but can do in rugby union or league?

Tackle an opponent