Personally, I run my first lap a little easier, and start my kick with about 300 meters to go. When I was in 8th grade (I'm a girl) I could run mine in around 2:30ish. My coaches always told me that i went out too slow, so i would recommend not sprinting at the beginning, but running fairly hard.
To run a fast 800, you cannot start out too slow or too fast. You must start off steady and controlled for about the first 200 meters. Your first 200 meters should be paced at a specific time. From then on, try for negative splits, meaning each 200 is faster than the previous. Try to speed up at the halfway point, pushing yourself. The last 200 meters should be everything you have left. If you've done it right, you shouldn't have too much energy left, but just enough to finish strong and fast. Overall, leave everything on the track, and never hold back. All it takes to run a fast 800 meters is all you got!
Depends on the distance, for 800m as a ten year old I can run 2:29 as a PB.
Yeah i think its really good. I'm a 13 year old girl and my personal best for the 800m is 2.50.
A 10 year old girl should pitch about 40-55mph.
Boy=Around 2 1/2 minutes Girl=Under 3 minutes ok... i am just adding to this answer, because i couldn't figure out how to answer it my self. i am a 14 year old girl and for an 800m I do 2:19, so if you are a 13 year old boy you should go faster than that!! (oh btw i think the person who answered before me is completely WRONG)
boy- 100m in less than 17 girl- 100m in less than 20
start off slow then gradually go faster for more fun ;)
A good time is anything under 14 minutes
Oh, dude, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to that. It really depends on the individual and their level of training and natural ability. But like, a generally accepted range could be around 15-20 seconds for a decently fast 8-year-old girl. Just remember, it's all about having fun and staying active, not breaking world records at that age!
A 10 year old should shoot for a 3-4 minute 800m time.The best 10 year old girl I've seen does a 2:47 so I guess 2:50's are good for a 10 year old girl.It depends. The really good ones will do like 2:30. But that would be very hard. 2:45 would probably be a good aim for 10 yr old girls.
It depends on how much they practice and workout. So anywhere from 45-55 miles an hour.
3-4 minutes give or take. I'm not sure how old this question (and the answers are) but the info isn't at all accurate. From someone who is in the middle of the junior olympic circuit for track, and the father of a 10 year old girl who runs the 800m, I can offer some accuracy here. First off, when you ask what's a good 800m time, I would start with what's good in elementary school meets around the country. In those races, a 3 minute 800m will generally win the race. When you compete regionally and nationally among the fastest 10 year old girls in the country, a 3 minute 800m isn't competitive. In those races, you'll see the very fastest 10 year old girls running 2:30. It should be noted that there are very few of these girls. Then between 2:35 and 2:40 are the next tier of runners. These girls are extremely fast, and arguably elite runners, but they're just a few seconds behind the truly fastest. So a 3 minute 800m is quite good, but it's really relative to the level you want to compare it to.