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You Know You're A Soccer Player When...

- Whenever You Have To Write An Essay On A Hero, You Pick Mia Hamm.

- You Accidentaly Kick The Ball When You're Playing Other Sports

- The Most Important Cross, in your life, Is In Front Of The Goal.

-During finals you write in Lallis.

-Your neighbors call 911 because you haven't left your house day or night during world cup

-your trunk has at least one ball and a pair of cleats

-something you own is named after Pele or david

-you have soccer posters somewhere in your house

-you bring soccer socks for iceskating

-All your non-school clothing has three stripes or an Umbro brand name

-can recognize ex-players by the way they move & look

-the only way you pick up a ball for a friend is with your feet

-you've accidently gotten a foul in another sport from kicking the ball

-you can recognize fellow soccer players by their walk, their legs, their clothes and their car.

-you strive to find pickup games

-you can honestly use both feet equally

-you know more than 6 ways to pickup a ball

-if you can't have your lucky number, you won't play

-you do rainbows with the Basketball at the gym

-you stretch even when you aren't working out

-you keep an extra Tshirt and shorts in your car just in case

-you judge people's abilities by where they grew up, who they play for, and where they play in HS

-you've had at least 3 bad coaches

-you've traveled somewhere more than 3 hours away for a tournament

-you have every color, style, and size tournament Tshirt from all the years

-you've played goalie, at least once

-when looking at colleges, you checkout the opposite sex soccer team as well

-at least one of your previous relationships has been with a soccer player

-you judge a person's skills by if you like their number or not.

-people know you just as well by your last name

-you get away with having different color shoe laces on your boots

-you have prewrap and tape with you almost always ?

-you either hate the tuck, or always have it in completley

-your first instinct when something is coming at you is to trap it or head it back

-all you bring to a pickup game is your cleats and a pair of footies

-when you drop somthing and try to settle it

-even when someone says football you think soccer.

-You can go hard for 90 minutes, and know 11 different positions

-you keep dropping stuff because you think it's a penalty to touch it.

- When your goalie gloves cost more than a laptop.

- You HAVE to have the best cleats on your team

- You cringe when somone rolls their athletic shorts more than once

- you choose your guys based on how good they are at the sport

- if someone says "my knee hurts" you ask where. then correctly diagnose the problem

- its 65 degrees out and you think its the perfect temperature

- your favorite feeling in the world is slide tackling on Dewey grass

-whenever something, anything is flying towards your face, you try to head it instead of catching it.

-A mile run is nothing compared to a game.

-You realize mls isn't real soccer.

-Youve spent youre free time thinking of comments critizing a refs call.

-You have more soccer shoes than regular shoes.

-Youre outside in 30 degrees weather, it snowing and pissed because there's only 5 minutes left in the game.

-You own at least one ankle brace

-when ur the only person in ur class who believes Beckham, Ronaldo, and Ronaldinho arent the best

-when you hear predators you think of the boots not the animal!

-when the first thing you do in a fight is kick and break the legs, or headbutt them/

-when you can put the basketball in the hoop quicker with ur feet than ur hands

-you get into a fight just because someone said something offensive about soccer


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12y ago
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14y ago

You need passion, skill, mind. Eat, Breathe, Live soccer.

Watch it on Tv.

Watch it on your Pc.

Listen to it on your Radio.

Play it.

Practice Everday.

Be something Great.

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15y ago

You have 2 be good. If u are 10 years old or older and you still play inhouse soccer, no offese, but your not good. I quit inhouse when i was 9, and quit the inhouse club travel team when i was 10. Iam now 11 and i play on a cup team and 2 other travel teams (P f and Affc) Cup costs $2000 and the other 2 both cost $1000. its pricey but if you want to be a soccer champ its what you have 2 do.

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14y ago

Play your part in the team. Pass the ball accurately. Be aware of where your team-mates are and where your opponents are. When your team doesn't have the ball win it back. When it does have the ball run into space, but not offside.

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13y ago

If you can perfectly do the basics - i.e. Dribbling, Footwork, Passing, Shooting, Teamwork, Fitness. - then you must be pretty good :)

Also, getting MVP (Most Valuable Player).

Being told by a majority of people - who are not related to you (like your parents) - that your good player also helps.


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9y ago

If you are a goalkeeper then you need to have a low rate of goals scored against. A striker - you should be scoring on a regular basis. A midfielder - you should be a play maker that creates a lot of goal scoring opportunities for strikers. A defender - your team shouldn't be incurring too many defensive breaches or errors

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16y ago

If u can control a ball and keep it. everything else is irrelevent , possesion is the greatest asset to a team an the ability to keep it.

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13y ago

You can be good at soccer by practicing ball work as well as fitness and loving the sport.

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16y ago

"Everything is practice" - Pele

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