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At first it was Tsar Nicholas II until he was overthrown in early March. After that it was Prince Georgi Lvov and then Alexander Kerensky as heads of the Russian Provisional Government, respectively. Then it was Vladimir I. Lenin as head of the Bolshevik Party after it overthrew the Provisional Government in early November 1917.

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17y ago

Czar(TSAR) Nicholas II was the leader of the royal family with a Provisional government, they were overthrown and murdered by the Bolshevik party.

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Vladimir Lenin and the "Bolsheviks" (meaning "majorityites"), a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

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11y ago

Russia did not have a president in 1917. The leader of the country at that time wasCzar Nicholas II.

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In 1867, Russia's government was autocratic (ruled by one person who had all the power)

the ruler was Tsar Alexander II

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Q: Who seized power in Russia 1917?
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When did communist seize Russia?

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What revolutionary party seized control of russia in 1917?

It was the Bolsheviks.

Who seized power in Russia in the November Revolution of 1917 and then surrendered to Germany in 1918 in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to get Russia out of the war?

The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin.

What group controlled Russia government in November of 1917?

The Bolshevik force seized the winter palace

When did the Bolshevik Party led by Vladimir Lenin seize power?

The Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917 saw the Bolsheviks seize the main power base in Russia. They staged an armed insurrection in Petrograd and succeeded in establishing themselves as the new governing power.

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Czar Nicholas II was murdered on the night of July 16/17, 1918, by members of the Bolsheviks who had seized power in Russia in the October Revolution in 1917.

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What did russia do after lenin seized control in 1971?

After Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917, the nation turned to communist values. The government took all the land from private ownership and put it work as a government entity.

What group of people eventually became leaders of Russia?

The Bolshevik Party, later on re-named the Communist Party, seized power in October 1917 (Russian calendar) and became the ruling force.

What made Russia wary of the west after World War 1?

In November 1917 the Bolshevists, headed by Lenin, seized power in Russia. This led to civil war in Russia, and the West intervened in an attempt to oust the Communists. All western countries were anti-Communist in the inter-war period.

Russian nobles who held great power in Russia?

The tzar's were nobles up until 1917 that held the power in Russia.