Russia's army would prepare to defeat Germany
It took Russia out of royal control and turned Russia into the USSR by Vladimir Lenin.
Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks to revolution in Russia during WWI
The essential difference between the two is that Kerensky was a capitalist while Lenin was a socialist/communist. Kerensky wanted to continue Russia's part in World War 1 and not change the system of ownership of land. Lenin wanted to end Russia's part in the war and redistribute land from its owners to the peasants that worked them. Kerensky allowed dissent. Lenin did not. Kerensky did not exile, imprison or execute people who did not follow his orders. Lenin did. Kerensky was democratic. Lenin was autocratic.
Lenin was relentless in his belief that because Russia was a backward peasant nation that lacked technology, industry, and the accumulated culture required for surpassing the achievements of the Western capitalist countries. He believed the fate of his revolution was dependent upon of at least one of the advanced countries to have a communist revolution and come to the aid of Russia.
Vladimir Lenin lived in Russia.
1917-1924. very short rule
Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were the names of the Two Russian leaders who launched and solidified the rule of communism in Russia.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia from 1917 to 1922. He was a communist, and he turned Russia into the Soviet Union. Lenin was predecessor to Stalin.
Lenin became Russia's leader because Nicholas II was kicked off the throne by Lenin's followers.
If you're referring to Vladimir Lenin he was a part of the Bolshevik party which was the first communist party to rule a nation. That government was in Russia and later the Soviet Union. He died in 1924.
Lenin and Communism was a complete diaster for Russia that it is only now recovering from.
Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks.
The February Revolution of 1917 is the revolution that ended the rule of the Tsars. The October Revolution staged by Lenin and the Bolsheviks ended the rule of the Provisional Government rather than that of the Tsars.
Lenin brought state capitalism to Russia, not Communism.
Lenin was a lawyer. (No one told Lawyer jokes in Russia)