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He turned it into a socialist economy. He took control of all major heavy industry and put it under government control. Smaller businesses were left alone mainly because the country was just too large for the new revolutionary government to take control of everything and plan the entire economy. Peasant farmers were also allowed to retain land at first, but were forced to sell much of their crops to the government at prices the government fixed. Lenin imposed harsh economic policies on the country . This came to be known as "War Communism," but there was much dissatisfaction among the peasants who were losing too much of their crops for no return and Russia's industrial production dropped to pre Revolutionary levels. IN order to rebuild Russia's economy, he instituted the New Economic Policy, which brought back some aspects of capitalism temporarily.

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Marx provided the theoretical framework for understanding communism. Based on the idea of historical determinism, the material conditions of historical development would lead to the oppression of the working class (the proletariate) and eventual uprising. Lenin provided a blueprint for the revolution and later establishment of the proletariate state. He called for a revolutionary model that would be led by a small group of elite professional revolutionaries rather than a broad based organization. A similar model would be employed once in power in 1918.

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12y ago
  • Lenin launched the New Economic Policy (NEP) by temporally putting aside his plan for a state-controlled economy. Instead, he restored to a small-scale version of capitalism.
  • Lenin organized Russia into several self-government republics under the central government.
  • In 1922, the country was named the Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), in honor of the councils that helped launch the Bolshevik Revolution.
  • He tried to encourage foreign investment.
  • Lenin had established a Dictatorship of the Communist Party, not "a dictatorship of the proletariat," as Marx had promoted.
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What is true Lenin was succeeded by Stalin or Stalin was succeeded by Lenin?

I think Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.

How many did Lenin kill?

Lenin was responsible for the deaths of 1.6 million but Stalin killed as many as twenty million.

What was the difference between Alexander Kerensky's leadership and Vladimir Lenin's?

The essential difference between the two is that Kerensky was a capitalist while Lenin was a socialist/communist. Kerensky wanted to continue Russia's part in World War 1 and not change the system of ownership of land. Lenin wanted to end Russia's part in the war and redistribute land from its owners to the peasants that worked them. Kerensky allowed dissent. Lenin did not. Kerensky did not exile, imprison or execute people who did not follow his orders. Lenin did. Kerensky was democratic. Lenin was autocratic.

In his speech Stalin refers positively to Lenin and then repeats one of Lenin's famous quotes. What type of audience appeal is he using?


What was the Marxist faction in Russia headed by Lenin called?

Lenin led the Bolshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. The RSDLP was split into two factions, Lenin's Bolsheviks and the majority faction Mensheviks. Both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were Marxist. The Mensheviks were just not as radical as the Bolsheviks. Lenin led the Bolshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Party. The RSDLP was split into two factions, Lenin's Bolsheviks and the majority faction Mensheviks. Both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were Marxist. The Mensheviks were just not as radical as the Bolsheviks.

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When Lenin took control what promises did he make?

Lenin promised to get Russia out of World War 1

Which German film dealt specifically with the changes in Germany after the fall of the Berlin wall?

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What changes did Lenin make after taking over Russian government?

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What changes did Lenin bring to the Soviet Union?

Lenin changed the nations names to Union Of Soviet Socialist Replubics or the Soviet Union. He also organized the Communist Party into a strong, tightly run group.

What not one of the changes made by Lenin after taking over the Russian government?

gave most of the land to his wealthy supporters

What was one of the changes made by Lenin after taking over the Russian government?

gave most of the land to his wealthy supporters

What major shift in Marxist ideology did Lenin make concerning democracy and totalitarianism?

Lenin shifted in favor of a transition between Tsarism and democracy.

Who tried to take power away from Lenin?

Joseph Stalin along with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev tried to take power from Lenin when Lenin was disabled by strokes. These three ran the government in Lenin's absence as he recovered and continued to do so secretly even when Lenin returned to work. The three would make governmental decisions in secret meetings after the general meetings that Lenin attended. Stalin restricted access to Lenin when Lenin was recovering. Stalin's biggest move for power was after Lenin made him Secretary General of the Communist Party. Once in that post, Stalin placed people loyal to him in many governmental offices. Stalin never did unseat Lenin, but he certainly tried and succeeded to take at least some of Lenin's powers away.

What changes were made after Lenin took over the Russian government?

Vladimir Lenin dissolved the Russian Empire and replaced it with the Soviet Union, a one-party socialist state where all land, natural resources, and industry were confiscated and made part of the government.

What was Vladimir Lenin's religion?

Vladimir Lenin was an atheist, he did not believe in God.

What were 3 major changes Joseph Stalin made when he created the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin did not create the Soviet Union. Vladimir Lenin did that.

What was the real name of Vladimir llyich ulyanov?

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was the real name of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. He adopted Lenin as his last name. Lenin was not a nickname. He was also referred to as Nikolai Lenin by close associates.