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Lenin changed the nations names to Union Of Soviet Socialist Replubics or the Soviet Union. He also organized the Communist Party into a strong, tightly run group.

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Q: What changes did Lenin bring to the Soviet Union?
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Soviet leader who made changes in Soviet Union?

Okayy... Soviet leader who made changes in soviet union? I believe it was Gorbachev. Then there's a quetion that says what kind of changes glasnost bring to the Soviet Union? So I really don't know if it's accurate that Gorbachev made changes.. but it's my best answer, because that's the only leader I've read about. :) HOPEFULL this helps you if it's not too late by now!

How did the ideologies of the us and the Soviet Union bring about the cold war between the Soviet Union and the us?

Because, U.S wanted a democratic government and the soviet union wanted a communist government

Efforts to bring privatization to the soviet union began with?

gorbachevs reforms

Gorbachev's policies and the fall of the Soviet Union?

His foreign policy helped bring about an end to the Cold War, while within the Soviet Union he introduced major reforms ( glasnost and perestoika). The downfall of the Soviet Union was a result of long periods of economic depression.

How do you think democratic reforms will affect the study of sociology in the former Soviet Union?

it would bring out the freedom that the soviet union needs, and also it would all the published researchs would be notified

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Soviet leader who made changes in Soviet Union?

Okayy... Soviet leader who made changes in soviet union? I believe it was Gorbachev. Then there's a quetion that says what kind of changes glasnost bring to the Soviet Union? So I really don't know if it's accurate that Gorbachev made changes.. but it's my best answer, because that's the only leader I've read about. :) HOPEFULL this helps you if it's not too late by now!

Why did he go up into space?

Yuri Gagarin? He wanted to be the first man to orbit the earth, and to bring honor and glory to the Soviet Union. That he did, and he was awarded the Order of Lenin for his deed.

What changes did World War 2 bring?

The United States and The Soviet Union became the major powersources of the World! :D

How did the ideologies of the us and the Soviet Union bring about the cold war between the Soviet Union and the us?

Because, U.S wanted a democratic government and the soviet union wanted a communist government

Efforts to bring privatization to the soviet union began with?

gorbachevs reforms

Where efforts to bring privatization to the soviet union began with what?

mikhail gorbachev

Gorbachev's policies and the fall of the Soviet Union?

His foreign policy helped bring about an end to the Cold War, while within the Soviet Union he introduced major reforms ( glasnost and perestoika). The downfall of the Soviet Union was a result of long periods of economic depression.

How do you think democratic reforms will affect the study of sociology in the former Soviet Union?

it would bring out the freedom that the soviet union needs, and also it would all the published researchs would be notified

What kind of changes did the glasnost bring to the soviet union?

Glasnot brought remarkable changes. The government allowed churches to open. It released dissidents from prison and allowed the publication of books by previously banned authors. Reporters investigated problems and criticized officials.

How did the Central Aisia republic under Soviet control gain their independence?

the soviet defeat in Afghanistan helped bring an end to soviet power in 1991, the soviet union broke up the five soviet republics of central Asia became independent nation

Why did the soviet union want to bring communism to Greece and turkey?

The Soviet Union wanted to spread communism to Greece and Turkey in order to expand its sphere of influence and establish communist regimes in key strategic locations. This would have allowed the Soviet Union to have greater control over the region and potentially create a buffer against Western capitalist influences.

What year did Lenin bring communism in Russia?

in 1917