Lenin was in general to his family and friends a very generous and kind person. When it came to leadership he struggled, but managed some very good things in history as well as bad things. But overall he was a good person, it wasn't him who started a war.
Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks overthrew a progressive Russian government that had been formed in March, 1917. The government was to be a democratic one and had many socialists, such as the Mensheviks, whom Lenin despised. Lenin's October revolution brought to Russia a government that twisted Marxism so much so, a new term had to be invented called Leninism. Lenin was in exile during most of WW 1. He was smuggled into Russia by the Germans on the condition he would take Russia out of the war. Lenin signed a peace treaty with Germany during the war which was highly unfavorable to Russia, however, it only displayed his own thirst for absolute power in Russia. He and his Bolsheviks went on to cause the deaths of not only millions of peasant land owners, but also, later on sent many other communists to exile or execution. For some historians, Lenin was "OK" as they compared Lenin to Stalin in a "good cop. bad cop" scenario which made Lenin look good as the good cop. The words below were written after this edit and are valid arguments as to why Lenin was a political destruction machine gone out of control.
Another View but with Facts:
First, the mere fact that the above answer refers to "his rule" means that Lenin was as autocratic a dictator as any Tsar had been before him.
Russia did not advance politically, because Lenin set himself and the Bolshevik/Communist Party up as the sole ruling authority in Russia and then the Soviet Union instead of instituting democratic reforms as he had promised. In that respect, Lenin betrayed the hopes of all the Russian people when he became as dictatorial as any Tsar before him.
He betrayed the spirit of the Revolution by dissolving the Constituent Assembly by fraud and by force even though it had already been democratically elected to create a constitution that would govern the country. Some Assembly members who were elected but affiliated with opposing political parties were arrested and jailed when they attempted to take their rightful places in the Assembly.
He abolished all political parties whereas the Tsar tolerated political parties. Parties such as the Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries, Constitutional Democrats, Anarchists, Maximalists and any other party that dared to oppose Bolshevik rule were eliminated. Even the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, which had broken away from the Social Revolutionary party came to oppose Lenin and were themselves eliminated.
He caused the Russian Civil War when it became clear that he and the Bolsheviks/Communists had no intention of sharing ruling power. The Bolsheviks were a tiny minority in Russia and were not supported by everyone. If they had been, the Russian Civil War would not have occurred.
He ordered the murder of Tsar Nicholas II, his wife and children in order to remain in power.
He ran the government not by allowing government officials elected or appointed, operate independently, but by putting members of his Communist Party in those positions so that he and his Communist Party could control them. Thus, Lenin became the ruling authority and the real government despite his promises of freedom and democracy.
He used the Cheka, his secret police, to oppress anyone and everyone who disagreed with policy set by him and the Communist Party. The Cheka arrested, tortured, exiled and murdered many people, even members of the Communist Party, who stood in the way of his vision of the new society.
Lenin was more oppressive than Tsar Nicholas II had ever been. More people were harmed by his methods in his four years in power than were harmed by Tsar Nicholas's reign.
As to the economy, Lenin was just as bad. His change from a capitalist system to a socialist system resulted in the virtual destruction of the Soviet Union's economy. Its production of food and manufactured goods dropped below levels that existed under the Tsar.
Recognizing this problem he reinstated aspects of capitalism in his New Economic Policy in order to revive the economy.
All in all, now that the Soviet Union has failed and dissolved in 1991, Lenin and his revolution have been determined to be an utter tragedy for the people he claimed he was protecting.
Vladamir Lenin was good as a revolutionary leader. He and his Bolshevik Party was successful in overthrowing the Provisional government in 1917. He had no experience as a political leader of such a huge nation as Russia. His lack of experience led to both successes and failures. In the end, the new Russia, the USSR was a failure.
Bolsheviks were a faction of Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. They came to power as a result of October revolution in 1917. Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov were the founders of Bolshevik faction. However, Bogdanov was expelled from the party in 1909 over differences with Lenin.
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir I. Lenin founded the Bolshevik Party in 1903.
Vladimir I Lenin.
The Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks.
Vladimir Lenin was an atheist, he did not believe in God.
No, Vladimir Lenin is not single.
Vladimir Lenin lived in Russia.
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov was the real name of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. He adopted Lenin as his last name. Lenin was not a nickname. He was also referred to as Nikolai Lenin by close associates.
Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898
Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898
Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898
Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
Vladimir Lenin died on January 21, 1924 at the age of 53.
Yes, Vladimir Lenin married to Nadezhda Krupskaya in 1898
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born in 1870 (Originally born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)