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So athletes who cannot compete in the regular Olympics can compete. They get the same sense of accomplishment, recognition and satisfaction as athletes in the regular Olympics, and people think it's important that they should be able to.

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

to get money I guess

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Q: Why do they do they have sports in the Olympics?
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How many sports in the Olympics?

28 sports (games) are in the Olympics

What kind of sports do they have in the Olympics?

summer sports

What sport will debut at the 2018 winter Olympics?

No sports will be added in the 2018 Winter Olympics.

How many sports were play in 2004 Olympics?

There were 33 sports played during 2004 olympics.

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The Olympics has more sports than the Commonwealth Games.

How many sports were in the 1st Olympics?

There Were Infact Only 7 Sports When The Olympics Started,:D

What is difference between summer and winter Olympics?

The Winter Olympics have competitions for sports that are considered 'cold weather sports' .... sports that can only be done on snow or ice. These sports include skiing, speed skating, and ski jumping. The Summer Olympics have competitions for sports that are considered 'warm weather sports'. These sports include athletics (Track and Field), marathon, and equestrian. There are Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics because you can play different sports in different seasons.

What are the Irish sports represented in Summer Olympics?

There are no specifically Irish sports as part of the Olympics, such as Ireland's national sports, Gaelic Football and Hurling. Irish Olympians participate in various sports at the Olympics such as athletics, boxing, swimming , equestrian sports and others.

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Mauritius competed in the following sports in the 2008 Olympics:400m DashArcheryBadmintonBoxingCyclingSwimmingWeightlifting

How many games are in the Olympics games?

There are 29 sports in the Summer Olympics (although only 26 sports will be at the 2012 Olympics). There are 15 sports in the Winter Olympics (all 15 were held at the 2010 Olympics).

How many different sports were in the Olympics?

26 sports

How many sports are in the olypmics?

There are 30 sports in olympics