Alaskan huskies and malamutes are chosen to run the Iditarod each year. These types of dogs are chosen because they are easy tot rain, have thick coats that protect them from the bone-chilling temperatures, and have a temperament that leads them to want to succeed, making them fierce competitors.
No, Malamuyes were (historically) bred to pull heavyloads, not to run fast. Siberian Huskies are better suited for the Iditarod race.
Alaskan Huskys, Malamutes,siberian Huskys
Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are my opinion for the best dogs for the iditarod because that is what these breeds are meant to do. They have a tough, thick coat that will keep them warm in the very cold weather. And they have very strong paws and legs. Things like the iditarod are one of the reasons these dogs are in this world today. This is my opinion but it makes sense to me.
are women allowed to race in the iditarod race
Siberian Huskies
no of corse by alot
The "halfway point" checkpoint for the iditarod race is Ophir to Iditarod
The race is named after the town of Iditarod.
Iditarod is from the Alaskan language. It is a dogsled race in Alaska. The race is called the Iditirod Race.
There are 18 checkponts in the 2013 Iditarod race