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how was the first pirsin to invent cross crontry. by casey

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15y ago

Snowshoe Thompson in the 1850's introduced the sport to North America. However It has been for far before then that Norwegians and Swedish practiced hunting cross crountry skiing

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12y ago

sir kelp ingras saseski

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Q: Who was the first person who made skis?
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Related questions

What were skis first made of?


Where were the first pairs of skis found?

Skis weren't just found - they were invented. No single person is credited with the invention of the original ski. According to the International Skiing History Association, the first record of skis is from rock paintings and skis preserved in bogs that are at least 5,000 years old. These ancient skis were used by hunters and trappers.

Are K2 sideshow skis made in China?

Yes. K2 Sideshow skis are made from China

Where are atomic skis made?

Most Atomic skis are made in Austria, but they also have a factory in Bulgaria.

What was the first snowmobile called?

it was the snowdogTHE first snowmobile made was a truck type of vehicleoutfitted with skis and two tracks

How many skis does the average person use when skiing?

Two. If a person practiced several disciplines of skiing he might have several pairs of skis - maybe all-mountain, powder and telemark skis - but when you are on the mountain you'll take one pair of skis with you.

Can skiing go faster then snowboard?

It is not the type of Skis or is the person skiing or boarding. The skill level of the person also plays a factor in that. But there is different types of skis or boards you can chose from.

What do you call a person who skis on water?


How does using snow skis or snow shoes enable a person to ski or walk on soft snow?

Skis and snowshoes spread a person's weight out so that they do not sink.

Can you use a candle to wax your skis?

i just waxed my skis with a candle that i melted with an iron onto the skis scraped and smoothened the surface..tested the skis on slopes.seems like my skis made a squeeking sound on the snow..but all in all it worked well

Who was the first person to cross Antarctica on skis?

No-one has ever crossed the Antarctic on skis. It would most likely be suicide, and you would have to have a sledge/vehicle to carry provisions with you, unless you want to carry everything on your back (not advised).

What are old fashioned skis made of?
