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Skis weren't just found - they were invented. No single person is credited with the invention of the original ski. According to the International Skiing History Association, the first record of skis is from rock paintings and skis preserved in bogs that are at least 5,000 years old. These ancient skis were used by hunters and trappers.

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Q: Where were the first pairs of skis found?
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Related questions

How many skis does the average person use when skiing?

Two. If a person practiced several disciplines of skiing he might have several pairs of skis - maybe all-mountain, powder and telemark skis - but when you are on the mountain you'll take one pair of skis with you.

Can you still buy Olin skis?

Yes, they have many pairs available on ebay or amazon.

Do world cup skiers use the same skis as you buy?

Not unless you are a ski racer yourself, and were lucky enough to get top of the line equipment. World Cup skiers get the best race skis that their factory makes. They have many different pairs of the same type (downhill skis, for example) that they will test to see which are the fastest. Race skis are highly specialized and differ greatly from demo skis or skis that the public usually buys. You can see this reflected in the price. Race skis typically run $800-$1000 for the skis, not including bindings.

What were skis first made of?


Where can one buy cross country skis?

I have found that some good websites for buying cross country skis are,,, etc. These are very reputable websites for skis

How old is the oldest pair of skis?

The oldest pair of skis were found in Hoting, Sweden and are estaimated to be about 5,000 years old by carbon dating.

What came first skateboards or snowboard?

Hmm. Snowboarding came first. Skateboards are still a relatively new thing. (:

On a skiing trip, there are five people but only three pairs of skis. How many different groups of three could ski?

His do you get ”10” as the answer?

Where online can I buy Karhu Skis?

Although I am not personally familiar with the Karhu brand of skis, I have found a few sites that offer this brand of skis. You can try The Next Adventure site as well as both Amazon and Ebay.

What was the first film in which you saw James Bond on skis?

The first film in which James Bond was on skis was On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969), starring George Lazenby. In it, Bond uses skis to evade Blofeld's henchmen and escape from Piz Gloria.

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What are the base pairs that are found in DNA?

The base pairs found in DNA are adenine with thymine, and cytosine with guanine.