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I don't know for sure but Maybe Keith Tkachuk he gets like 10 a year because he is a suck.

Ya I am sure you would know that because you let him suck your.... c*ck you loser

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Q: Who has most career empty net goals?
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Who scored the most empty net goals in the NHL?

mark messier 13

Do empty net goals count against your Goals Against Average?

Since a goaltender is not in the goal during an empty net scenario, any goals scored into the open net will not count against the goalie's personal statistics. However, any scoring into an empty net will be added to the team's goals against average.

How many empty net goals did Gretzky score?


How many teams in the NHL have scored two empty net goals in a single game?


How many NHL teams have scored 2 empty net goals in a single game?

Fail adam

What is percentage o empty net goals when a team pulls goalie?

According to statistics I've read, about one in three times that the goalie is pulled, an empty net goal is scored. Extra attacker goals are scored at about 1/3rd that rate (1 in 9 or 10 attempts)

Which part of the body other than foot scores most goals?

It is by heading the ball in the net as well.

How do you make goals?

By kicking the ball into the net.

What starts with e in hockey?

empty net goalend-boardselbowingexhibition gameenforcer

What does EN stand for in hockey goalie stats?

Empty Net Goal Allowed

What does career and life goals mean?

These are the specific targets that people may set for when they are older. For example young children may have career goals to become astronauts, police men or fire fighters. Life goals are personal goals that people want to achieve during their lives. Going bungee jumping would be an example. _________________ Elaborating on the above: Career goals would be things related to where you want to be in relation to your chosen profession. This might include things like 'rising up the ladder' to a position of administration. It might include the ownership of several different branches of the company you started and are developing. Maybe it would be to oversee basic changes in the way things are done in your profession. It might also be a career goal to have a certain net wealth at the time of retirement. Life goals would relate to having or enjoying things that most people would see as improving the quality of life. Having a family of a certain size, or developing some hobby to a high degree, like any kind of performance, or coaching youth teams, or art/music. Various kinds of travel could be seen as life goals. Doing different kinds of volunteer or charity work after a successful career would be seen as a good life goal.

Who is the most popular player in Arsenal history?

it has to be ian wright just because of his goals and shear proffesionalism on and off the pitch and ille never forget the penalty against man utd that he admitted wasnt.....still ended up in the net though.... or tony Adams because he stayed at arsenals his hole career and he was englands captain.