I don't know if Albany is close to New York, but Central Park is always a nice place to skate in the wintertime.
Skaters Edge
Please refer to the link below. It is the website of the United States Figure Skating Association.
movies, ice skating, picnic, round of golf.........
On the day of Natalia's first figure skating competition, she did great and got first place. Natalia's favorite sport of all time is figure skating, even though she wasn't good at it.
There is great fishing in Albany with many streams and ponds for fly fishing. Rob Roy reservoir is a short distance from Albany and has great trout. Rainbow, Brown and Brook Trout can be found in these areas. If you need a place to stay when in Albany, Wy. I always suggest Aspen Creek Cabin located right in town and easy access to the trail heads to the rivers, streams and lakes in the area. check it out at www.aspencreekcabin.com
because you are not very good at skating
Definetly skating. You can't have a good shot or play hockey at all if you don't have good skating.
"A good place to take a family Christmas photo is in front of the Christmas tree, in front of the window with snow behind you, outside at a winter festival, on a skating rink, in the backyard or in front of a fire place."
element ,Kfd, blind, almost and Evolution are all good street skating brands
Figure skating is a sport where if you want to look good skating you have to be graceful. I am a figureskater and help kids skate and if you don't look graceful then you look diff and don't have good balance then you will not look good skating, that is why you must practice because if you haven't been on the ice in a long time and you go out there and start skating all over you will look messy.