Nancy Kerrigan's birth name is Nancy Ann Kerrigan.
Nancy Kerrigan was born on October 13th, 1969.
Nancy Kerrigan was born on October 13, 1969.
Nancy Kerrigan was born on October 13, 1969.
Nancy Kerrigan was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, United States.
Nancy Kerrigan retired in the year of 1994 after the 1994 Winter Olympics.
Nancy Kerrigan is 41 years old (birthdate: October 13, 1969).
Nancy Kerrigan first started figure skating when she was 6 years old.
Nancy Kerrigan was hit in the knee by the ex-husband of Tonya Harding, who was her main competition at the U.S. National Championships.
Her career died but not her personally
five feet, four inches