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Q: When skiing What does the slashing hand motion of the neck mean by a waterskiing participate?
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What does a slashing hand motion over the neck mean by water skiing?


What does a slashing hand motion over the neck mean by a water skiing participating?

A slashing hand motion over the neck by a water skiier means cut the mower, or turn it off

You can do this on snow or water?

Snowboarding can be done on snow. Waterskiing can be done on water.

What is more popular waterskiing or snow skiing?

depends where in the country u live

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What are three types of skiing you could participate in?

Water skiing, Downhill skiing, cross country skiing, freestyle skiing, ski jumping, so on.

Name something that an adventurous person might try while at the beach?

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Which is safer water skiing or snow skiing?

These two sports are both dangerous when you get to higher speeds. But the one sport that you can control more of is waterskiing. You can tell the boat driver to go faster or slower, or if you just want to stop you can let go of the rope and sink into the water. Where as if you want to stop in snow skiing and your a beginner then you will have to sit on your butt and thats not fun after a while. So, waterskiing is much safer because there are more things you can control, but that does not mean that there aren't any risks when eventually if you reach 36mph and you fall you can have a pretty nasty injury.

What sports do people participate in with all the mountains?

Skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing.

Do both men and women participate in cross country skiing?

Yes both males and females can compete in downhill skiing.

When did water skiing start?

The American Water Ski Association says that water skiing began in 1922. The word water ski (Swedish: vattenskida) is in the 1921 edition of the Nordisk Familjebok dictionary. Probably originated on the French Riviera in the early 1920s, and was known in the United States by 1927. The American Water Ski Association, founded in 1939, held the first national championships that year.

What words have two letter i's?

Words beginning with I:IbexIbisIceIckyIcyIdeaIdiomIdleIdolIffyIgneousIgniteIgnoreIlkIllIllusionImbueImmaculateImmatureImplodeImploreImportantImportImpImpressImproveIndigoInformationIngeniousInnerInnInputInsertInterpretIntrudeInventInviteInvoiceInvokeInvolveInwardIrisIrkIrresistibleIslandIsleIsotopeItchIvoryIvy