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While people began playing soccer in the mid-1800's, it didn't start to rise in popularity until the early 70's. Americans' love of soccer is still on the rise. More people are becoming involved in soccer programs each year and recent soccer matches are drawing record attendance and television viewers.

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The original six (NHL) were in 1917. The Rangers and Red Wings, both joining in 1926.

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Canada in the late 1800's and the usa in the early 1900's

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Hockey became more popular in the early 1970's when more Americans started to play professionally.

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Q: When did hockey become so poular in the US?
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Compared to who? OK, the answer your looking for is because Hockey is a 4th or 5th tier sport in the US. The best athletes in the US gravitate to American Football, Baseball, and Basketball. That leaves Soccer and Hockey with the "leftovers". So, Actually, the US's 4th and 5th tier athletes are competitive with some countries best.

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Is soccer poular in Mexico?

soccer is the most popular game in the world so its popular in Mexico but not as much as in engliand,Brazil etc

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So you can become brainwashed into thinking the US is the best.

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