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Q: What were Eric heiden's olympic times in speed skating?
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Where is there ice skating in the south?

Australia, that's where i live. I ice skate 3-4 times a week in melbounre and Speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey and curling is available.

What are some interesting facts about speed skating?

I'm not quite sure what you mean... but the times are getting faster. As technology increases, skaters do to.

What year was figure skating created?

Forms of figure skating date back to prehistoric times. Figure skating competitions began in the 9th century.

In what country did figure skating start?

The United Kingdom seems to be the answer to this Question, while ice skating has been around since pre-historic times it seems that in 1742 the first ice skating association was formed in Edinburgh. The first instructional book concerning ice skating was published in London in 1772. The book, written by a British artillery lieutenant, Robert Jones, describes basic figure skating forms such as circles and figure eights. The book was written solely for men, as women did not normally ice skate in the late 18th century. It was with the publication of this manual that ice skating split into its two main disciplines, speed skating and figure skating.

How do you spin 3 times in the air in a jump in figure skating i can only do it once?

you need to make sure you have a steady posture think of the steps or how to do it in your head get alot of speed spin with a flat back and then jump good luck

How many times does Joannie Rochette practice skating on the ice a week?

Joannie Rochette started figure skating when she was 7 and 8 years old!!!!! She is on the ice at least once every day, most times more.

How many times has the US hosted the summer Olympic games?

The United States has hosted the Summer Olympic games for four times.

How many times did Britain host the Olympic Games?

Three times.

How many times has the olympic torch been lit?

597 times

How many times has russia host the olympic games?

3 times

How many times can you rearrange the colors of the Olympic rings?

125 times

Clippings about the olympic games?

the Olympic games have been playing since the greek times and will continue.