There is no minimum age. As long as you can skate, you can speed skate. Honestly, if your 1 years old, but yo can stand on skates and move forward... You could sign up for your local speed skating club.
She start ice skating at the age 5.
Kristina Groves started skating at age 11.
You can start taking skating lessons at any age. There are toddlers that skate, and grandparents that skate.
There is no minimum age.
the minimum age is 14 for diving and bobsled, 18 for handball, 17 for wrestling. gymnastics and figure skating is 16
There is no minimum age to start your retirement fund but there is a minimum age to start using that money. The sooner you start saving the better off you'll be later on in life!
The minimum driving age in Paris is 18
The minimum age to start a business in New York is at age 16. You can have your parents or adults help you set up a sole proprietorship or other form of a corporation.