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Today, females can wear dresses, skirts, or pants. The outfit should be in good taste and relate to the music. In addition to the costume, skaters wear their hair in buns, ponytails, or otherwise out of their face. They also use heavy theatrical make-up so the audience is able to see their features.

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14y ago

a pretty figure skating outfit, of course but it would have to be comfortable because have you seen the stuff they do!

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Q: What is the dress code regulations for females in figure skating?
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Related questions

How do you be dress for figure skating lessons?

You can were either a skating dress, or tight leggings, or tight pants NO JEANS!

Is there any other equipment needed for figure skating?

figure skates, skating dress and tights. footpads are optional and training aids.

Where can a figure skating dress be purchased?

There are quite a few options available if you are looking for figure skating dress. Online sites such as Discountskateware or Worldfigureskateware will provide you with variety of brands, it's also a good idea to check you skating club message board as they might have ads of local independent retailers.

What is the uniform for figure skating?

It depends on what type of figure skating you are referring to. If it is a beginner skater, athletic pants (no jeans) with a long sleeve shirt, jacket and gloves. If it is a advanced skater on a freestyle session, athletic pants or a skating dress with tights and gloves.

What is the dress code for womens skating regarding tights hose?

for ice figure skating, you can have footed, footless, or over the boot tights. for roller figure skating, you can have footed, footless, or over the boot tights for figures but you must have over the boot for anything else

What marterial do you need to go figure skating?

skates (obviously), stretchy pants (like yoga pants or underarmor), or a skating dress. If you are just skating, you can pretty much wear anything. (Including skates, of corse)

Where would you buy a figure skating dress?

i go to a place in mt. lebinon PA but they sell them at my rink used. if you have a computer you can buy them at

When choosing an ice skating dress what must one consider?

When choosing an ice skating dress one must consider whether they are skating in a competition or for practice. One must consider the type of music they are skating to as well.

What do you need to wear for figure skating?

I'm a figure skater and I practice in a warm zip sweater, long tee, and figure skating pants (they're kind of tight and thin; you can get them at most pro shops at the ice arena) with different colored leg warmers and my hair up. When I compete I wear tights and short figure skating dresses with my hair in a bun.

How do you get custom made skating dresses?

This place makes excellent custom made skating dress and dance costumes.

What level should you get a figure skating dress?

You should ussualy get a dress when you start competing in competitions but we all know its exciting to get a dress beforehand. Just saying that you should only get a dress if your really good like you can do 4 different jumps you can spin succesfully and your spirals are stunning so I would say around Level silver. Good luck finding a Beautifull dress. -x-

How much do figure skating dresses cost?

Figure skating dresses can be quite expensive and range from 30-200 US dollars. If you are only looking to buy a practice dress then the price range you should be looking at is $30-$100 whereas in actual competition you may consider buying a more expensive dress.