Michelle Kwan was born on July 7, 1980.
No, Michelle Kwan was born in Torrance, California
Michelle Kwan was born on July 7, 1980.
Yes, Michelle Kwan was born in 1980. Specifically on July 7.
Michelle Kwan was born in 1980 so now she is 30.
Michelle Kwan was born on July 7, 1980 in Torrance, California. And is 29 years old.
Michelle Kwan was born in 1980; this means that in 2002 she was 22 years old.
Michelle Kwan's birth name is Michelle Wing-Shan Kwan.
Michelle Kwan IS IN A BOOK
China They imagrated from 1971-1975
Michelle Wing Kwan
no Michelle Kwan never had braces she was born with strait teeth