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no Michelle Kwan never had braces she was born with strait teeth

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yes all of them!!

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Q: Did Michelle Kwan ever brake any bones while skating?
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What are some misstakes Michelle Kwan made while skating?


Can you die from skating?

YES Yes, you can. There are a variety of ways, but the most common way is from head trauma. If someone falls off at any sort of height while skating, and they were not wearing a helmet, then the could suffer a severe enough concussion that they go into a coma and slowly die.

How many people get hurt while skateborading?

everyone well actually if you mean like broken bones that kind of hurt mostly everyone it's not hard to break a wrist while skating if you land hard on it but if you are asking this because you want to try skating then don't let it discourage you you're going to fall no matter what

Can you get killed while figure skating?

It is possible to get killed when figure skating, but the chances are very slim.

What is the only jump in ice skating where skaters take off while skating forward?


Where did the figure skating start?

Skating itself was first brought to America in the 1740's. Figure skating was developed several years later in the U.S.

Why is ice skating considered a sport but not dancing?

Dancing such as ballet is indeed a sport, but as a figure skater I know ice skating is nothing like ballet. It takes balance and leg strength. There are jumps where many skaters break bones, fall, and injure themselvs. You must have endurance to skate in the cold enviroment. I'm an ice skater. Ice skating is very difficult to just simply stand on the ice, let alone do triple axels and lutzes. People have suffered cracked heads and bones while ice skating. Yes, ice skating is partly dancing and partly sport. You need the grace, and the flexibility and balance combined with endurance, strength, and will to make ice skating. Champions are only formed when they have these 4 things: # Determination # Hard Work # Talent/Potential # Love No sport can be achieved if you don't have all 4 of these things.

What is object line in drawing?

it is the arugittybooditty of the fish stick sandwich while a great golden retriever man bear pig is eating the sandwich under cover from fire of the Iraqy army while he is still eating this amazing fish stick sandwich while undercover from the Iraqy army while skating in a skate rink while eating this amazing fish stick sandwich while undercover from the Iraqy army while skating and doing much much much more stuff while eating this AMAZING fish stick sandwich while undercover from the Iraqy army while skating in a skating rink

What is the date when figure skating originate?

Quoted from Wikipedia:"While people have been ice skating for centuries, figure skating in its current form originated in the mid-19th century.""American skater Jackson Haines, considered the "father of modern figure skating", introduced a new style of skating in the mid-1860s."

When coasting while roller skating you eventually stop why?

Friction and gravity.

What do you wear while doing figure skating?

I would suggest clothes.

What bones are used while jogging?

Leg bones