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Hi, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Rugby are the few games not played in India hope this helps

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Q: What sports are not played in India?
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What games toys and sports were popular in India?

the Cherokee children played games such as stickball.

What can we do to promote sports in India?

we can do nothing to promote sports in India

What are Indias sports?

Most popular sport is cricket by far. Hockey is the national sport but comes in second. Soccer is played in South India and West Bengal. Other sports where India has performed well is shooting. India's cricket team is amongst the best in the world.

How can India use sports as a tool?

India can use sports as a tool in many aspects. It has Cricket which is played at professional level and also won at global level in many championships. It on the other hand can use Badminton and Tennis which is also played at professional level. Just a little more development andhard workto enjoy the sweet juice of success in sports field. India has to strive hard not to gain profits from sports by corruption but improve the game at global level to make professional development in sports sector.

Why is blue India's national sports colour?

India's national sports color is Blue. It is due to SAHARA INDIA.

Why India lagging in Sports?

India is lagging in Sports because of Cricket obsession. Not many people follow any other Sports, hence, no passion, no money in any other Sports in India.

Why austrilla is better then India in sports?

Australia focuses on sports more than India

What top three sports does India play?

1. Cricket Is most Played Game in India2. Hockey Is played in Punjab,Haryana,Orissa mostly and enjoys high auidence after cricket3.Athlectics is third most played Game in India

Who is the present director general of Sports Authority of India?

There is no sports president in India. The sports minister of India is Mr. MS Gill

What sports are played in djibouti?

the sports that are played in Djibouti are tennis