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At the front of a figure skating blades are some points. Each point is called a "toepick." The toepicks make up the "toerake" of the blade.

The toepicks are used by figure skaters to initiate and land jumps

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Q: What are the spikes of the ice skates used for?
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Related questions

Which are the safest toddler ice skates?

There are a few different brands of ice skates, but there are no toddler ice skates. Ice skates should not be put on a toddler and a toddler cannot ice skate.

Did Shakespeare perform plays on ice?

yes, he used ice skates to help him

Do ice skates with double runner blades need to be sharpened?

No, they do not to be sharpened. They're not really skates. The kids just use them to get used to standing on the ice, and to walk in them on the ice.

Are there safety precautions used on children's ice skates?

There are no standard safety features for children's ice skates, but a helmet and protective padding should be worn whenever they are in use. Always supervise children when they are on the ice.

What are some things that you wear starting with the letter I?

· Izod shirt · ice skates

What can one do with a used pair of ccm ice skates?

A person that has a used pair of CCM ice skates that they are no longer using can sell them online at websites such as eBay, Kijiji, Craig's List as well as posting in the local paper.

Why mountainers wear shoes with spikes?

Spikes or "crampons" are only fitted to the shoes and used when mountaineers climb so high that they encounter ICE on the ground on the mountain. The spikes dig into the ice and stop the mountaineers feet slipping.

Why do mountainer wear spikes shoes?

Spikes or "crampons" are only fitted to the shoes and used when mountaineers climb so high that they encounter ICE on the ground on the mountain. The spikes dig into the ice and stop the mountaineers feet slipping.

What is skates in French?

Ice skates: patins de glace

Corret sentence of Put corinnes ice skates in that there closet?

Put Corinne's ice skate in that closet.

Are black ice skates for boys?

Yes, black ice skates are for boys. In figure skating, my theory is that black is supposed to distinguish a male figure skater from a female figure skater, who wear white ice skates. Most likely, if you are renting ice skates at a public rink, the skates will be brown or blue/black if they are hockey skates. White and black ice skates are for professional usage, and thus, should not be sold to a person with no skating experience at all.

What do you have to ware when you ice skate?

ice skates